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Guangdong Jielv Law Firm focuses on one-stop solutions for customers outside China to purchase and inquire from China. Its business covers physical trade guarantee, investment guarantee, project consultation, project investment docking, cross-border collection, asset allocation, tax planning, etc.

Our one-stop service helps overseas customers to reduce costs efficiently when trading with inland merchants in China.

We help overseas customers better develop their product competitiveness in their home countries, expand their sales share, and reduce the cost of procurement and post-service.

If you have had some unpleasant problems in your previous purchases from China

Guangdong Jilu Law Firm can do:

1. Assist you in protecting your rights in China

2. Claim compensation for product quality

Guangdong Jieru Law Firm focuses on one-stop solutions for customers outside China to purchase and inquire from China. Its business covers physical trade guarantee, investment guarantee, project consultation, project investment docking, cross-border collection, asset allocation, tax planning, etc.

Our one-stop service helps overseas customers to reduce costs efficiently when trading with inland merchants in China.

We help overseas customers better develop their product competitiveness in their home countries, expand their sales share, and reduce the cost of procurement and post-service.

If you have had some unpleasant problems in your previous purchases from China

Guangdong Jilu Law Firm can do:

1. Assist you in protecting your rights in China

2. Claim compensation for product quality 


广东杰律律师事务所 版权所有
电话:0755-32945888   王光宇律师手机:15697551780  地址:深圳市福田区金田路2028号皇岗商务中心403
公司法律师  商法律师 化解债务危机律师 国际保理律师
Guangdong Jielu law firm all rights reserved
Tel: 0755-32945888 Lawyer Wang Guangyu mobile phone: 15697551780 address: 403, Huanggang business center, No. 2028, Jintian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Company law lawyer, commercial law lawyer, debt crisis resolution lawyer, international factoring lawyer
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